Being the first choice when PC trouble-shooting tools are being looked for, Wise PC 1stAid is an intelligent and automatic freeware developed to fix common PC problems. The interface of the software is clear. There are currently 11 problem suites in the 1st released version, each one of which includes a problem description, a notice, an image and a 'Fix Now' button. The problem suites list is displayed on the left of the main interface. Icon errors, broken links, unable to open regedit/task manager/webpages, slow Internet connections, slow startup, slow PC... All the common PC headaches listed above will hence be easily solved with Wise PC 1stAid, which will be standby in user's computer as a First-Aid Kit. The fixing process is an automatic and easy one. Firstly find the right problem suite on the main interface, compare the description and images with problem bothering, and read the notice carefully. Once ready for the fix, click 'Fix Now' and the process will start automatically. The next & only step the user has to take is to wait with patience. Normally the process is an effective one. Some solution may need more minutes to finish, which means the effect after the process also will be intensified. More problem solutions will be added to the list and the current version of Wise PC 1stAid also provides a further live online tech help.
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